Камчатский филиал ФГБУН Тихоокеанский институт географии ДВО РАН

The first information letter


Dear colleagues!


We invite you to take part in the work of the 25th International Scientific Conference “Biodiversity Conservation of Kamchatka and Adjoining Seas” devoted to 130 years since the birth of Georgy Ustinovich Lindberg, the outstanding Russian researcher of the Far Eastern Ichthyofauna. The conference is planned to be held on November 14-15, 2024 in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatky. The 2024 Conference will take place in the frameworks of events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Georgy Ustinovich Lindberg (1894-1976) is an outstanding Russian ichthyologist, a zoogeographer and a teacher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, the professor who has brought the huge contribution to the studies of world ichthyofauna, faunae of fishes of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the Far Eastern seas of Russia, and to preparation of experts-ichthyologists. In 1917, he graduates from Shanyavsky University in Moscow and leaves to work to Siberia where he takes part in organization of Chita University, which has been united with Far Eastern State University in Vladivostok in 1923. In 1923-1932, he is among the organizers of the Pacific Fisheries Station on which base the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO) has been founded. He was engaged in organization of creation of Far Eastern Institute of Fisheries, which was opened in Vladivostok in 1930.  In 1932 by invitation of the Directorate of Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he becomes the head of the laboratory of ichthyology of this institute. In 1936, he is awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and in 1938 he is awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. In 1947-1949, he headed a complex Kuril-Sakhalin expedition. The results of this expedition made it possible to carry out the studies on systematization and distribution of sea organisms for some decades. They were based in the multivolume capital edition “Fishes of the Sea of Japan and adjacent parts of the Okhotsk and Yellow seas” prepared by Lindberg with co-authors. He has developed “a special biogeographical method of knowledge of events of the recent past” which gives possibility to reconstruct paleogeographic events by biota structure. He is the author (a co-author) of several capital monographs on ichthyology and zoogeography, and of three multilingual dictionaries of the names of food fishes of World fauna, the western part of Pacific Ocean and fresh waters of the USSR.

Organizers of the conference — the Kamchatka Affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kamchatka regional branch of Russian geographical society, the Kamchatka regional scientific library named after S.P.Krasheninnikov

The purpose of the conference — analysis of a modern condition, the degree of studies and the problems of conservation of biological diversity of Kamchatka and adjoining sea areas under an increasing anthropogenesis impact; the problems of rational use of water bio-resources of Kamchatka and Kamchatka waters; principles, problems and prospects of functioning of especially protected natural territories. The official language of the conference is Russian. The reports of foreign participants represented in English will be accompanied by a translation.


The organizing committee

The chairman of the Organizing committee: Korostelev S.G., Doctor in Biology (the Kamchatka affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

The members of the Organizing committee: Danilin D.D., PhD in Biology; Klochkova N.G., Doctor in Biology; Tokranov A.M.,  Doctor in Biology (the Kamchatka affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences); Nechaeva O. P, a deputy director (the Kamchatka regional scientific library after Krasheninnikov S.P).

The responsible secretary of the Organizing committee: Chernyagina O. A, a senior research associate (the Kamchatka affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).


At the conference, it is supposed to consider the following basic themes:


  1. History of studies and the modern biological diversity of Kamchatka.
  2. The theoretical and methodological aspects of conservation of the biological diversity.
  3. The problems of conservation of the biological diversity of Kamchatka under the conditions of increasing anthropogenic impact.
  4. The features of conservation of the biological diversity of the sea coastal ecosystems of Kamchatka.
  5. The problems of rational use of the water bioresources of Kamchatka and near Kamchatka waters.
  6. Scientific researches and monitoring in especially protected natural territories.
  7. Ecological — educational activity in the Kamchatka territory.
  8. The species listed in the Red book: the current state in the Kamchatka territory and adjacent regions.
  9. The problems of conservation of the biological diversity in Kamchatka adjacent territories and water areas.


Three levels of presentations are planned, i.e. sectional, poster and distant (only publishing and posting on the Internet). The posters can be accompanied by an oral introduction of up to five minutes. The papers presented at the conference will be published before the beginning of the conference in the Proceedings of papers and uploaded on the site of the Kamchatka affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (www.terrakamchatka.ru). It is possible to get acquainted with the materials of twenty four previous conferences at the same site. The Proceedings of papers of the conference will be sent also to the Scientific Electronic Library (www.elibrary.ru) in the system of the Russian index of scientific citing (RISC). The deadline for its inclusion is 1.02.2025.  Each paper is assigned DOI. Sending a paper for the publication you agree to its placing in RISC. Since to post a paper in RISC separately the review is required, we ask to send together with the paper its short review (in a free style, the sample is attached).


Requirements to papers.

The papers should be up to 5 pages (including tables and graphic materials), typed in MS Word format (doc or docx), Times New Roman font, 12 size, by one interval, on page A4. The file named by a surname of the first author and electronic variants of graphic materials besides placing in the paper should be obligatory sent also as separate files in tiff, jpg, xls formats to the Organizing committee of the Conference to e-mail address kambiodivers-25@mail.ru.

The conference organizing committee kindly asks all participants to adhere strictly to the specified volume of papers. The sizes of the page: the left field — 30 mm, the right one — 15 mm, top and bottom — 20 mm, paragraph identification — 5 spaces. At the beginning of the text, in the center are the name of the paper printed in capital letters in Russian; lower in one interval — the initials and a surname of the author (authors), on the next line — organization name, a city (at first in Russian, then in English). One interval lower the very paper should be placed. After the paper the references must be printed through a single interval (no more than 5-6 sources are desirable). One author can send up to two papers, co-authors up to three papers.

Foreign authors can send papers in English or in Russian. English-language papers wlll be translated into Russian and published simultaneously in two languages.

Application Form for participation in the conference (the form is applied) and papers are accepted until September 2, 2024 to the address: kambiodivers-25@mail.ru.

In the Application Form we ask to specify the title of the paper, the planned level of its representation (sectional, poster or distant), a surname, a full name of the author (authors), the name of the organization, its post address, phone (fax) and an e-mail address (if available) for communication.


The sample of the paper



I.I.Ivanov *, P.P.Petrov **

* The Kamchatka affiliate of Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatky

** Biology and Soil Institute FEB of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok

(At first in Russian, then lower, in English)


The text of the paper


Kazantsev S.V. 2001. New taxa soft beetles//Zool. V. 80. Issue 9. Pp. 1076-1083.


The Organizing Committee has the right to edit the presented papers or to reject them by its own decision. If the volume exceeds 5 pages, the paper can be reduced.

Information about the Conference and the program will be sent to the participants after November 4, 2024.


The 25th International Scientific Conference

Biodiversity Conservation of Kamchatka and Adjoining Seas” devoted to 130 years since the birth of Georgy Ustinovich Lindberg, the outstanding Russian researcher of the Far East Ichthyofauna”



November 14-15, 2024





Full name






Position, scientific degree


Organization address








The title of the paper


The level of presentation

An oral report / a poster / a distant publication (to underline)

The author (s)


The speaker